Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Arthritis Treatment for Hands

A brief and informative guide to arthritis treatment for hands has been provided in this article for your reference.

Arthritis, as you may already know it, is a general term that is used to refer to the condition wherein, a joint or joints of the body become inflamed. Now there are multiple types of this disorder, and one of them is, what is known as osteoarthritis. This is the most common form of arthritis, wherein, the protective cushioning between the joints start wearing out with time. It is a chronic condition, whose cure does not exist. Here we would speak of the condition of degenerative arthritis in hands, also known as hand osteoarthritis. Before we jump on to arthritis treatment for hands, let us know a bit about the causes and symptoms of this condition.

Signs of Arthritis in Hands

The most common symptoms which come into the picture, include joint pain in the hands, which may be accompanied by skin rash and swelling. Some people might have fever as well, and they could notice certain changes in the affected joints. One classic arthritis in hand symptom, which may arise, is a crunchy sound which may arise as the joint moves. Some patients have reported the formation of mucous cysts at the end of the fingers.

In some cases, the causes cannot be determined by experts. Buy Tramadol at reputable online pharmacy and save hundreds. However, assumptions are, that a combination of certain factors contribute to the development of arthritis in hands. These may include normal aging process, weakness in the muscles, being overweight, stress, injury to the joints, or heredity factors. So the contributing factors may be a combination of one or more of these.

Arthritis Treatment - Fingers, Hands and Wrists

Although there isn't any cure for hand osteoarthritis, there are several treatment methods which help in dealing with the pain and improve joint movements. The treatment mainly focuses on allowing the affected person to be able to perform his daily tasks. So the treatment for arthritis pain include:

Acetaminophen, which is a painkiller, but does not help in reducing inflammation. This drug is prescribed for people who experience mild to moderate pan.
Even over-the-counter drugs are involved in the arthritis in hands treatment. These drugs not only manage the pain but also serve to reduce the inflammation of the affected joint. These drugs may also be prescribed, but in stronger dosage.
Another arthritis treatment method for hands, is using the analgesic tramadol. This drug is suitable to manage short-term attacks.
People who suffer from severe pain, are prescribed medicines such as codeine, which is known to be a strong pain killer.
The arthritis treatment for hands also involves the use of corticosteroid medications. These work well when all other medications don't.

These were the medications which are usually prescribed for arthritis treatment for hands. Apart from these, patients are also helped with procedures such as physical therapy. One part of such therapy involves working with a physical therapist to perform dedicated exercises for muscle strengthening, increasing range of motion and pain reduction. Patients also benefit by working with an occupational therapist, who helps in coming up with ways and means, which would reduce stress on the already painful areas. Other methods include using medical devices, that are designed to reduce chronic pain. Surgery may also come into the picture when pain goes beyond the tolerable limit.

Apart from all these medical treatment methods, most people have also found relief by putting into use a few self-care measures at home. These include:

One effective self-care measure that has helped most patients of arthritis in hands, is the regular and proper application of heat and cold therapy. Applying heat helps in reducing stiffness in the joints, and for reducing inflammation cold therapy does the trick. For heat therapy, you can use a heating pad, a hot water bottle or even a warm bath (and not hot bath) will do. This has to be done for about 20 minutes, several times a day. For cold treatments, ice packs do well. However, if your hands have poor circulation or numbness, then it is better not to use cold therapy.
Soak your aching hands in warm water mixed with a spoonful of epsom salts. The warmth of the water, and the salt would work to reduce the pain.
Some people also find relief by using herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. These herbs can be taken in the form of tea, or they can be also availed in capsulated forms. Some common herbs which also help in treatment for arthritis pain are meadowsweet, birch, devil's claw and willow.

Considering there is no cure for this condition, following all such measures for arthritis treatment for hands, does provide a great deal of help in improving the quality of life. Take good care of yourself!

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