Saturday, April 28, 2012

Weight Loss Shakes That Work

Weight Loss Shakes That Work

Looking for weight loss shakes that work? Confused about which ingredients to use? Almost all kinds of weight loss diets suggest consumption of fruit and/or vegetable smoothies and shakes. Here are some dietary tips regarding preparation of weight loss shakes that work.

Calorie restriction and weight loss are the buzz words in the society. As people are becoming more and more health conscious, more and more weight loss diets are being introduced, claiming for fast weight loss or natural weight loss.

Commercial weight loss shakes come in the form of powder or ready to drink form. Manufacturers claim that their products help reduce body fat and promote weight loss but people are always doubtful about their results. These days, protein shakes for weight loss are very popular. But do they work? Here is the required information on weight loss shakes that work.

Generally, meals are replaced with weight loss shakes. But nutritional benefits of whole foods should not be missed out. If protein shakes are consumed along with regular diet, the person is more likely to gain weight. So here are some tips which will guide you to select the best weight loss shakes that work.

Selecting the Best Weight Loss Shakes

'The weight loss shake should taste good and should help you achieve your weight loss goals effectively' will of course be the basic criterion for selecting the shake. Check whether you are able to perform daily activities and exercises after consuming the shake. The shake will provide you the necessary energy only if it is packed with all the vitamins and minerals that normally come from the foods which you won't be able to eat when on diet. And the last but not the least is that the shake should not leave you hungry. It should keep you satiated.

Commercial Weight Loss Shakes

Protein shakes are nothing but protein supplements which come in powdered form. Studies show that high protein diet involving regular consumption of protein shakes can help you lose about 4-6 pounds of weight per month. Good eating habits and low calorie diet is essential to achieve the desired weight loss. Whey protein shakes are considered as the best weight loss shakes.

Slimfast and Myoplex Low Carb shake are the examples of meal replacement shakes for men. Slimfast contains more sugar than Myoplex Low Carb. It contains 35g sugar and provides 220 calories. Sugar content being pretty high and protein content being very low (7g protein and 46g carbohydrates), you need to eat some other fruits and vegetables and you also need to exercise regularly. Otherwise you may end up losing weight from your muscle.

Myoplex Low Carb provides only 120 calories and less sugar and it can be helpful for those who are advised to follow a high protein low carb diet. But this shake is very low in calories and it cannot compensate for a meal. You will require more food. Ensure Lite is another product which contains high amount of sugar. Thus, every commercial product will exhibit some plus and some minus points. So it is better to make your own shakes at home. Here follows the required information on homemade protein shakes.

Homemade Weight Loss Shakes that Work

As mentioned above, any type of weight loss drinks/shakes that actually work, should keep you satiated. Therefore it is recommended that you should prepare weight loss shakes at home. You may use low fat or non fat milk and yogurt to prepare weight loss shakes.

Milk and yogurt will provide calcium and vitamin D. You may add whey protein powder to the shakes. It promotes quicker and easier food digestion and keeps you satiated for longer. Fruits are rich in antioxidants which help remove toxins from your body. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals too. You can use various combinations of fruits to prepare shakes. Various combinations of vegetables can be used to prepare vegetable juices to achieve healthy weight loss. You can add some other helpful herbal medicines like ginko biloba, hoodia gordonii, etc. to enjoy health benefits. Read on:

Protein Shakes for Women

Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss

Remember if you're eating a healthy diet and if you are exercising regularly, you don't need to add extra protein to your food intake. You need not actually worry about what are the weight loss shakes that work. To achieve the desired weight loss, you just need to burn more calories than you consume. The mantra for weight loss says "eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein and increase your physical activity." Healthy eating habits also help you lead a healthy and active life.

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