Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weight Loss Facts - Can Hypnotherapy Truly Give Good Results?

Weight Loss Facts - Can Hypnotherapy Truly Give Good Results?

Can hypnotherapy truly help a person lose weight? Find out more about this unorthodoxed form of slimming down.

The bottom line on losing weight is that it takes will power and you can put this to work with some techniques for self hypnosis. Hypnosis is simply a connection and interaction of the mind and the body.

Retraining our mind to act in a certain way is the scientific premise behind hypnosis and can be achieved with you and a hypnotist. Practicing self hypnosis puts you in the seat of therapist and eliminates the need for another person to assist you with weight loss. You are simply setting your mind up to accomplish a goal for you.

Do not think that self hypnosis is a magic trick that will get you losing weight after one round of hypnosis. You must exercise control over your hunger and you have to get your body moving, you will not just wake up the next morning newly svelte. You must believe in the process and yourself to achieve your desired success. A positive attitude can go a long way in achieving your weight loss goals, as well.

You can set aside a half hour each day to regularly hypnotize yourself. You should get into a quiet area and lie down flat on your back with your eyes closed or gently gazing. Relax each part of your body and stay awake and alert which is key.

Try four deep cleansing breaths and go through a body scan to relax each part of your body. Begin either with your head or with your feet and work your way up or down allowing each part to really drift away. You should determine ahead of time how long you want to spend on the hypnosis.

Then you can make suggestions - or auto suggest - for yourself. You should adopt a mantra, be it "I will eat fruit", or "I will run," or "I like broccoli better than anything else." You should not make more than 10 suggestions. You should remain lying down and breathing deeply for a few minutes and then stop.

Weight loss is hard work, but practicing self hypnosis can help you to achieve your goals. You can use self hypnosis to train your mind and body to make more healthy choices about food and exercise. This is a completely free way to approach your weight loss plan and can be incorporated much easier than surgery or medication.


  1. Hypnotherapy is being used in the fast growing health, interpersonal development and improvement industries as a safe, effective tool for optimistic change.

    barsley hypnotherapy

  2. Hypnosis is a technique whereby a hypnotherapist induces a trance-like state in which the client becomes more susceptible to suggestion and highly focused on what they are being told. It is believed that hypnotherapy primes the brain to accept changes in the unconscious part of the mind.

