Thursday, June 7, 2012

Weight Training: the Secret to Weight Loss and Staying Trim

Weight Training: the Secret to Weight Loss and Staying Trim

Want to know why weight training is the secret to losing weight and staying trim? Then find out in this article right here.

If you’re dieting and trying to lose weight and not getting results, you might be frustrated.

That frustration can turn to desperation as you find yourself in the cycle of yo-yo dieting. Although your dream is to lose weight, you might be doing yourself more harm as you end up losing water, or muscle. Losing muscle, in fact, is one of the worst things you can do if you’re trying to lose weight.

When you’re dieting, it’s easy to lose muscle mass and you really shouldn’t allow that to happen. Muscle burns calories, so in losing muscle mass, you are also denying your body that important calorie burn the muscle provides. Every pound of muscle, in fact, will burn 35 calories each day.

If you lose muscle mass, then, you’ll be burning less calories and making your job as a dieter harder. In fact, depending on the other exercising you do, you could end up gaining weight because you won’t be able to burn off what you do eat.

The Secret To Weight Loss

In addition to your cardio exercise – which you are, of course, doing if you’re trying to lose weight – you need to do something that’s the most important step to fat loss. What is it?

It’s weight training – the often forgotten secret to fat loss, especially with women.

And it’s easy when you’re dieting to forget the importance of weight training. You remember to walk, use the elliptical and pull out your dusty exercise DVDs, but weight training? That’s just one more thing to worry about. But experts say you shouldn’t forget about it because the key to successful weight loss is burning fat and that comes from muscle development.

The average person will burn about 300 calories per hour engaging in the usual cardio exercises, like running, cycling, walking and aerobic cardio workouts. That 300 calories burned is for a marginally to fairly strenuous workout and it assumes a moderate level of physical fitness to start.

After you’re finished exercising, your resting metabolic rate (or RMR) will stay elevated for a couple of hours.

What Weight Training Does ?

Weight training, on the other hand, keeps your RMR elevated on a regular basis. If your RMR is responsible for 65% of your calorie expenditure for the day (which is true for most people), you’ll find that even adding a small amount of strength training to your daily regiment will result in more fat burned.

An early 1990s study found that participants participate in a weight training program for three months gained three pounds of muscle and lost four pounds of fat, all while eating 15% more calories per day.

Aerobic (or cardio) exercise alone will not increase muscle mass. Too much cardio exercise without enough calories will actually result in a loss of muscle mass. Muscle is much easier to lose than fat, so it’s important to maintain the strength training regimen.

It’s common as well to get a bit nervous after you begin a regiment of strength training. You might see the number on the scale move up rather than down, but that’s just the addition of muscle in your body. As we have all heard so many times before, muscle weighs more than fat. Eventually, that muscle will begin its work and will begin to burn fat in your body.

So there you have it.

Weight training really is essential to losing weight and keeping it off. Although we rarely forget the aerobic component of exercise, it is easy to forget this important aspect. Adding in the strength training will benefit your body before your very eyes.

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