Friday, February 3, 2012

Vegetable Oil Diesel

Vegetable Oil Diesel

Many alternative resources can be used to produce biodiesel. Some of the resources used to produce biodiesel are various vegetable oils and animal fat. Vegetable oils can be utilized as diesel fuel in their original form, without converting them into biodiesel. Vegetable oil diesel is an alternative fuel for fast-depleting fossil fuel.

The negative aspect of pure vegetable oils is its high viscosity. It is higher than petro-diesel fuel or biodiesel fuel and its combustion is not uniform in the engine. Various automobile researchers reveal that using pure vegetable oil as fuel can damage your diesel engine. some people claim that their diesel engine can run on vegetable oils without any engine modification. However, it can only be considered safe if you have your diesel engine professionally altered by a certified diesel engine specialist.

To reduce the viscosity of the pure vegetable oil, you can mix it with conventional diesel fuel. Most diesel-engine cars and medium trucks will run smoothly with blended diesel fuel consisting of about 10–50 percent vegetable oil. You can pour this blended vegetable oil diesel into the gas tank along with the conventional diesel fuel. The other way to reduce the viscosity of the vegetable oil is to heat it which is the main function of the conversion kits you can buy in the marketplace.

The other problem in utilizing pure vegetable oil is the sitting of vegetable oil fuel in your diesel engine and the fuel line; these oils will be cold when you start your car initially. This is evident in regions where climates are colder, especially during winter. However, this can be resolved by using two fuel tanks – one fuel tank for normal diesel and the other for vegetable oil diesel. You must start your diesel engine with conventional diesel, and when the engine warms up, the heat produced is being utilized to melt the vegetable oil. After a couple of minutes, that is whenever the fuel attains the required temperature of about 70 to 80 degrees Celsius, you can use the modified dashboard-control switch to change the fuel line to the vegetable oil tank.

The other approach is to utilize a specialized additive to enable the vegetable oil to run more easily even during the winter season. There are some other approaches to using vegetable oil as vegetable oil diesel. You can blend vegetable oils with kerosene (as you do with conventional diesel) then you can pour the blend into the gas tank and run your car. You can also blend the vegetable oil with up to 20 percent gasoline and use it to run your diesel engine diesel-engine car. Among various techniques which utilize vegetable oil as vegetable oil diesel, the one that seems the best, is having a properly installed dual-tank system.

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