Friday, April 29, 2011

The diet pills those really work! - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Whole world is fighting against the obesity menace. Everyone is complaining about excess weight that is taking its toll on their health. With the sedentary habits scoring high, more and more people are succumbing to this dreaded disease! If you want to get rid of obesity, you have many options to choose from. However, though the market is studded with numerous products, not all are safe for the use. So, beware of fake products that are simply intended to dent your pockets.

Instead search well for good diet pills. Time spent for search is always well-deserved. You can search different sites and can also consult your doctor. No wonder if he will suggest you regarding safe diet pills that are really beneficial to you. The diet pills like Nueslim are really a blessing to obese people. They can trust the brand that is so very popular among obese people. These are the pills those have revolutionized the weight loss concept among masses.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thalassemia a€“ Remedies for the Treatment of the Disease - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Thalassemia - Causes and Symptoms of Thalassemia

In this disorder an inherited defect prevents the formation of normal amounts of hemoglobin A, the type of hemoglobin that is found in the red blood cells after the first few months of life. As a partial compensation, the cells contain hemoglobin F, a type of hemoglobin that is usually found only in newborn babies. However, only a relatively small amount of hemoglobin F is made in adults who have thalassemia, so their red blood cells contain less hemoglobin than normal. In addition, the majority of the red blood cells produced in this condition are destroyed within the bone marrow, and those that remain can survive only a short time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Teeth whitening and other beneficial supplements - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Teeth whitening are nowadays considered to be an integral component of daily lives and the need to have whiter teeth is on the all the time high level. There are teeth whitening kits available that prove to the most effective as well as securest options that can be conveniently used at home. Developed by the professional dentists, these teeth whitening kits offer the users the facility of outstandingly whiter teeth that also lasts for a lifetime. These kits use Carbamide Peroxide in order to provide the teeth with its natural white color that they deserve. Also, the plasma light technology is also utilized for having safer as well as faster teeth whitening.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Peripheral Nerve Degeneration - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What do doctors call this condition?

Multiple neuritis, peripheral neuritis, peripheral neuropathy, polyneuritis

What is this condition?

This disorder involves degeneration of peripheral nerves supplying the distal muscles of the extremities. It results in muscle weakness with sensory loss and atrophy as well as decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes. Although peripheral nerve degeneration can occur at any age, incidence is highest in men between ages 30 and 50. Because onset is usually subtle, a person may compensate by overusing unaffected muscles; however, the disease may begin rapidly with severe infection and chronic alcohol intoxication. If the cause can be identified and eliminated, the prognosis is good.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The $4.95 Investment That Could Save Your Life

I have a personal rule: No texting or emailing (or even looking at my cell phone) when I'm driving. But I have to admit, the chime of my Blackberry is pretty enticing when I'm stuck in traffic or at a stoplight. We all know how dangerous our phones can be in the car. If you struggle with distracted driving, here's a pretty amazing new service that could save your life ...

Did you guys read the sobering story in the January issue of Glamour about the alarming number of women die in car accidents each year? We've all known someone (maybe it's even yourself!) who has had a close call or a fender bender due to distracted driving--and often their cell phone is to blame. (FYI: People who text while driving are 50 percent more likely to get involved in an accident--yikes!)



Generic Name: methylphenidate (oral) (METH il FEN i date)

Brand Names: Concerta, Metadate, Methylin, Ritalin

What is Ritalin?

Ritalin (methylphenidate) is a central nervous system stimulant. It affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.

Ritalin is used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Ritalin is also used in the treatment of a sleep disorder called narcolepsy (an uncontrollable desire to sleep). When given for attention deficit disorders, Ritalin should be an integral part of a total treatment program that may include counseling or other therapies.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Diet Pills – How Much Effective in Losing Body Weight - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Out of many weight loss products offered by many online portals, diet pills are most talked about. The reason behind this is that these pills are easily available and offer faster results as compared to other methods of weight loss. These pills improve the overall functioning of different body parts, thereby leading to burning of undesirable calories and body fat.

The alluring aspect of these pills is that they are composed of herbal products, which are associated with no side effects on human body. This simple reason makes these pills reliable amongst people suffering from anxiety of carrying excessive body weight. Apart from this, these pills are proficient in lowering the level of cholesterol in human body, thus ensuring normal working of human heart.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Should Restaurants Tell You How Many Calories You're Ordering?

You sit down at your typical chain restaurant, ready to order dinner. The thought of a juicy burger and fries has you salivating.

Is a number on the menu -- and we're not talking about the price tag -- going to stop you in your tracks?

Requirements that restaurants post calorie counts next to food items on their menus are one of the latest public-policy attempts at solving America's obesity epidemic.

Many restaurants make nutrition information available in brochures or on their Web sites. The aim of some new laws is to instead get the information in front of people when and where they order.

Acute Infection of The Middle Ear a€“ Treatment and Cure - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Acute otitis media is an infection, usually caused by a virus, but sometimes caused by bacteria, which inflames the cells lining the middle ear cavity. The disorder often develops when viruses from an infection of the nose and throat, such as a cold or measles, travel along the eustachian, or auditory, tube to the middle ear. Infection may also enter through a ruptured eardrum . The disorder is often associated with nasal allergy .

Middle ear infections occur often in children. At least half of them have an infected middle ear at some time, and often, repeated attacks of the problem occur.

What are the Symptoms?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sightless, but Not Walking Blindly?

After two strokes, he was completely blind, dependent on his cane and his wife's arm to safely walk down the street. But researchers had a hunch: They suspected that, unconsciously, the man might be sensing the world around him through his eyes better than anyone realized.

So the neuroscientists devised a simple experiment: They asked the man to walk down a long hallway unaided by his cane or anyone else -- without telling him they had turned the corridor into a makeshift maze by randomly placing boxes, chairs and other objects in his path.

To their astonishment, the man deftly maneuvered past every obstacle. Then he turned around and did it again, prompting the stunned researchers to burst into applause.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Volcano vaporizer: Your choice for healthier breathing - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

If you are thinking of buying a vaporizer for yourself, you must be hunting hard for a good type of vaporizer that will deal with all your needs. The herbal air that you want to breathe should come from such vaporizer that will not cause any irritation to your throat and at the same time soothes your senses. It makes your breathing healthier.

Among various vaporizers, volcano vaporizer is chosen by many because it helps one achieve desired level of ingredients in air for active breathing. The volcano vaporizer does not yield any tar or toxins in the released air. You will experience maximum release of active ingredients. The volcano vaporizer also yields good flavors with clear air. Though it heats the herbs to the point of vaporization, it does not give rise to combustible materials.

Perimenopause and Weight Gain in Women

I have an acquaintance – I’ll call her Erika – who was, frankly, a trophy wife. Now she is nearing 50, but you would never know it. Erika used to dance professionally, so she is used to long workouts and little food. If you offer her a cracker, she’ll say, “I’m watching my figure so others will.” She does Pilates as well as running and cycling, and she added kickboxing to her schedule because she thinks the instructors are cute.

Money is not an issue, so Erika has the best in skin care, hair care, Botox injections, spa vacations, and of course, fabulous clothes. She has very little body fat, so – as many celebrities do – she gets injections in her cheeks to keep her face from looking too gaunt.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Urinary Tract and the infections - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z


The most common abnormalities involving the infections of urinary tract, and the most important from the point of view of kidney damage, are obstructions. Obstructions can occur in the area where the urine-collecting pelvis of the kidney merges with the narrow ureter, or they may occur anywhere along the ureter. For example, a stone or congenital stricture may obstruct the ureter any­where along its course. Or obstruction can occur within the bladder from a tumor which blocks the openings of both ureters into the bladder, or it can occur at the bladder neck from congenital lesions, tumors, stones, or strictures.

Signs and Symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer

I was sitting in my home office furtively scratching a rash on my swollen left breast when an email arrived from an old friend. The subject line screamed, “URGENT WARNING! OPEN IMMEDIATELY!” Annoyed because it was just another “pass on” message, I pointed my mouse to the delete button – then hesitated. On the outside chance she had included a personal message, I opened it.

Staring from the monitor was the photo of a woman’s breasts, frighteningly similar to the reflection in my bathroom mirror a few hours ago. One breast was swollen with an angry red crescent around the edge of a dimpled nipple – just like mine. The title on the article read “Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC).

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Some Antidepressants May Risk Breast Cancer Return

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Breast cancer survivors risk having their disease come back if they use certain antidepressants while also taking the cancer prevention drug tamoxifen, worrisome new research shows.

About 500,000 women in the United States take tamoxifen, which cuts in half the chances of a breast cancer recurrence. Many of them also take antidepressants for hot flashes, because hormone pills aren't considered safe after breast cancer.

Doctors have long known that some antidepressants and other medicines can lower the amount of tamoxifen's active form in the bloodstream. But whether this affects cancer risk is unknown.

Treatment and Diagnosis for Acromegaly and Gigantism - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What do Doctors call these Conditions?


What are these Conditions?

Acromegaly and gigantism are chronic, progressive diseases marked by hormonal dysfunction and startling skeletal overgrowth. Acromegaly causes bones to thicken and grow transversely. Gigantism causes proportional overgrowth of all body tissues. These disorders usually reduce life expectancy unless treated in a timely fashion. The earliest signs of acromegaly are swelling and enlargement of the arms, legs, and face. This rare disorder occurs in men and women equally, usually between ages 30 and 50. Gigantism causes remarkable height increases of as much as 6 inches (15 centimeters) a year. Infants and children may grow to three times the normal height for their age; adults may ultimately reach a height of more than 6 feet 8 inches (2 meters).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Shed that extra flab with curvelle weight loss supplements! - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

If your fellow colleagues are suggesting you everyday that your belly is little protruding now and you are no more having the charm that you once possessed. Most of the times, these suggestions are positive and set you into action. So, take them positively and embark on a weight loss regime. Everything said and done, but how to achieve that consistently is the biggest question in front of you at present, isn’t it?

Well, if you do believe like many others that crash diets are more harmful, you are very much right! Do not succumb to fast weight loss programs that may ruin your health. Take professional advice and go for weight loss supplements along with a well-sketched diet and exercise regime that helps you get into shape consistently. Curvelle is one such weight loss supplement you can trust. Because of all the natural ingredients, Curvelle is one of the mostly chosen weight loss supplements by fitness enthusiasts.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tips For Dealing With Seasonal Affective Disorder

Kathy Nuzzi is always dressed up. At the grocery store, for a doctor's appointment -- if you see Nuzzi, you see an outfit and full make-up.

"I like dressing," the Emerson resident says. "No matter where I'm going, I'm always dressed up. I didn't do [that] before."

It's been nearly 20 years since the "before," before Nuzzi was diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and began light therapy. Age 45 at the time, she had suffered through the same thing every winter of her adult life.

"I go downhill right after Christmas," says Nuzzi. "I get very depressed. I don't look forward to January, February, March. I kind of just want to hibernate."

Facts about Causes and Symptoms for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding refers to abnormal bleeding from the endometrium (surface lining of the uterus) that occurs without recognizable organic lesions. Prognosis varies with the cause. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is the reason for almost 25% of all gynecologic surgeries.

What Causes it?

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding usually results from an imbalance in hormonal-endometrial interactions, in which estrogen constantly stimulates the endometrium. Disorders that cause sustained high estrogen levels include polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian mechanism (in sexually mature teenagers), and failure to ovulate (in women in their late 30s or early 40s).

Friday, April 8, 2011

Studies: Bone Drugs May Help Prevent Breast Cancer

SAN ANTONIO -- New results from a landmark women's health study raise the exciting possibility that bone-building drugs such as Fosamax and Actonel may help prevent breast cancer.

Women who already were using these medicines when the study began were about one-third less likely to develop invasive breast cancer over the next seven years than women not taking such pills, doctors reported Thursday.

The study is not enough to prove that these drugs, called bisphosphonates, prevent cancer. More definitive studies should give a clearer answer in a year or two.

Yet it greatly amplifies the hopeful buzz that started last year when researchers reported that a bisphosphonate cut the chances that cancer would come back in women already treated for the disease.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Little Health Tip: Why Wearing Shades Is Such a Healthy Move

I can't leave home without my sunglasses--even on cloudy days. Diva-like behavior? Nah. Experts say it's a good thing, because our shades can actually protect our peepers in several surprising ways ...

Experts say that sunglasses--the bigger and more Jackie-O the better--may work hard to protect your eyes, protecting them from dangerous UV damage. Shockingly, reports Women's Health, 5 to 10 percent of all skin cancers appear on the eyelids. Sunglasses may also help prevent the fine lines and "crow's feet" from cropping up, too, along with preventing eye degeneration, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Anxiety Tips for Curing the Disease with Treatment options Availaible - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

For most people, anxiety is a temporary reaction to stress. It becomes an illness only when it persists, and prevents you from leading a normal life. Some anxiety states are caused by severe stress, but in anxiety-prone people only slight stress, or none at all, may be involved. People who have "free-floating" anxiety live in a constant state of apparently causeless anxiety.

If you have an attack of anxiety, you will probably feel apprehensive and tense, and be unable to concentrate, to think clearly, or to sleep well. You may have frightening dreams and occasional symptoms of fear such as a pounding heart, sweating palms, trembling, or diarrhea. Some people in a state of anxiety find it hard to breathe, as if their lungs are under constant pressure. And they may become convinced that they have heart or stomach trouble when in fact they are physically healthy . A man may have trouble maintaining an erection or may have premature ejaculation . In so-called "anxiety attacks," which can occur apparently without cause at any time, the physical symptoms of fear intensify alarmingly.

Meet the Milkman: What Do You Think of This Father's Attempt to Breastfeed His Baby?

Did you guys hear about the man in Sweden who is breastfeeding his baby? It's about the weirdest thing I've heard since, well, the pregnant man. But wait, men can't produce milk, right? Actually, it turns out, they can...

According to reports, Ragnar Bengtsson, 26, recently started attempting to breastfeed his baby. "Anything that doesn't do any harm is worth trying out," he said to a Swedish media outlet recently. "And if it works it could prove very important for men's ability to get much closer to their children at an early stage." He's also just started a blog on the subject and will be featured in a documentary called "The Milkman - One Drop at a Time."

Monday, April 4, 2011

Alternative Medicine for Graves Disease - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

What is this Condition?

Graves' disease is a metabolic imbalance resulting from overproduction of thyroid hormones. This disorder causes increased production of the hormone thyroxine, enlarges the thyroid gland (goiter), and causes numerous changes in body systems. Graves' disease occurs most often between ages 30 and 40, especially in people with a family history of thyroid abnormalities; only 5% of people with the disorder are younger than age 15.

With treatment, most people can lead normal lives. However, thyroid storm - an acute exacerbation of Graves' disease - is a medical emergency that may lead to life-threatening heart, liver, or kidney failure.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Model Molly Sims' Stay-Skinny Fitness Secrets

Hello, lovely ladies of Vitamin G! I just wanted to pop over from Slaves to Fashion for a quick visit after a very cool encounter with the undeniably hot Molly Sims at an event the other day...she shared some of her fitness secrets with me (and hello, she's a former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model!) so I just had to pass them on to you...

The team over at Callaway Golf invited me to a ladies-only afternoon of yummy nibbles, schmoozing with Molly and LPGA star Morgan Pressel, and practicing my swing. I thought I really sucked at golf, until Morgan gave me a few pointers, and suddenly I was like Tiger Woods with two X chromosomes. Morgan guessed I was in pretty good shape, because I had a strong sense of my body and how it related to the club and a good control of my core muscles, and she asked what I did for exercise. We all started sharing our tips and then Molly (whose brother is a professional golfer!) started talking about her own fitness regime. And you better believe I was listening. Her main secret to keeping off the pounds is...sweating.

Friday, April 1, 2011



Pronunciation: ay-za-THYE-oh-preen

Generic Name: Azathioprine

Brand Name: Examples include Azasan and Imuran

Long-term use of Imuran increases the risk of developing tumors. Imuran may also cause blood disorders. Contact your doctor at once if you develop unusual growths, easy bruising or bleeding, or signs of infection (eg, fever, chills, persistent sore throat).

Imuran is used for:

Preventing kidney transplant rejection along with other medicine. It may also be used to treat signs and symptoms of active rheumatoid arthritis. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.