Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Main Causes Of Insomnia

Do you have a hard time falling asleep at night? Do you lay in your bed staring at the ceiling wondering why, even after a long day at work, you just seem to not be able to fall asleep? You’re not the only one, millions of people all over the world suffer with insomnia. What is insomnia? It’s the inability to go to sleep or stay asleep for many weeks at a time. In fact it is one of the most widely reported medical conditions in the world. There are many different causes of insomnia, such as stress, depression, and causes that arise from taking different types of medications to neutralize the change in environment and work schedules.

Stress plays a huge factor and is one of the main insomnia causes. Stress in our lives is unavoidable though. Psychologically, a certain degree of stress is required in order to keep our mental state healthy. However, when an overload of stress happens, it certainly affects our sleep patterns as well as other routines throughout the day. Stressful events in our lives, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or even a job loss can lead to insomnia. Even minor stressful situation including worry about school or job problems can cause sleeplessness or early waking.

Anxieties throughout the day can also lead to insomnia, especially more severe anxiety disorders. depression is an unpleasant complaint which can also keep you awake at night. Usually, someone with depression will either sleep too much because of his disorder, or have trouble sleeping at all. This particular reason may be due to chemical imbalances in the brain, or just anxiety over having the depression, which may keep you awake at night.

Certain presription medicines can also impact on your quality of sleep. Medications such as blood pressure medications. allergy medications, anti-depressants and even over the counter pain remedies or weight loss tablets are examples of these. They may contain stimulants that will keep you in a wakeful state.

Another factor that helps contribute to insomnia is changing your work schedule or your work environment. Being on shift work on a late night shift will disrupt your circadian rhythm and create havoc with your sleep. Your circadian rhythm controls certain internal processes such as your metabolism, body temperature and sleep cycles. If your body clock is out of step, you may be unable to sleep even though you’re tired, this is clasic insomnia. Causes that impact on your circadian rhythm can be reversed, but only if you revert back to a normal bedtime.

If you feel as though you have taken all the proper precautions and still are unable to fall asleep at night when you need to, then perhaps you need a quick visit to your doctor to discuss possible solutions. Don’t simply take the ‘easy’ route and ask for sleeping pills, a better solution would be to try an effective herbal or homeopathic sleep remedy to get back into a healthy sleep pattern.

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