Monday, March 26, 2012

Weight Loss and Water

Weight Loss and Water

Water is considered as the key to weight loss and good health.

Drink plenty of water! This is an advice to be followed by anybody who wants to lose weight. Drinking water chases those extra pounds away. Your body contains toxins and waste which has to be flushed away, so drinking plenty of water helps you to do it.

Water helps body release water:

You know what an experience it is to drink a glass of cold water after being in the sun for hours, or standing under a hot shower after a stressful day. Water serves a lot of functions in our daily life. You all know that water makes up more than half of our body weight. Water helps the body to release water. How? When we drink water, the water in our body, does not retain the excess water in our body, but throws it out as urine, sweat and fecal matter. When you don’t drink enough water, because of shortage, the body will retain much water. This retained water will increase weight in your body.

Water deficiency:

Deficiency in water can cause many diseases in the body like constipation, low blood pressure, malfunction of the kidney and clotting of blood.

Water and weight loss:

Water helps in the digestion of food. Drinking less water will cause dehydration in your body. When your body is dehydrated, your body’s capacity to burn fat or calories is reduced. This makes you gain weight than lose weight. If you want to lose calories, drink plenty of water. Water helps to burn more calories. If you drink water before your meal and during your meals, the water will occupy the space in your stomach, making you feel full. This makes you eat less, thereby helping you to lose weight. So drink about eight glasses of water every day to reduce your food and reduce your weight. When you are exercising for weight loss, your body uses more energy. The water in your body helps the body to convert the extra fat to energy. This makes the body lose fat and helps in weight loss.

Other benefits of water:

Water is considered as the key to weight loss and good health. Water transports oxygen to different cells of the body. Water cushions our joints. Water helps the body to fight against various diseases. Water regulates your body temperature. Water also improves the appearance of your skin. Dehydration can cause headaches. If you drink plenty of water, you can avoid headaches. Water helps

Always carry a bottle of water with you and keep drinking from it often. Though fruit juices, tea and milk are good sources of water, drinking plan water is the best. Also drink a glass of water when you get up in the morning and at bedtime. Have water with your meals. Our diet should include foods which has water contents. Fruits and vegetables like watermelon, grapes, oranges, broccoli and lettuce are rich sources of water and should be consumed in plenty. Every cell in our body needs water to function properly. So drink plenty of water for proper functioning of your body, to quench your thirst and above all to shed those extra inches and pounds.

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