Monday, January 23, 2012

Alpha Lipoic Acid for Neuropathy

Alpha Lipoic Acid for Neuropathy

Alpha lipoic acid has been found to be effective in treating neuropathy. You can find out more about alpha lipoic acid for neuropathy in this article.

Alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid that can be found inside every cell of the human body. This fatty acid plays a very important role in the conversion of glucose into energy. It is also a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize the free radicals and thus, prevent the oxidative damage of the cells and tissues of the body. Today, alpha lipoic acid is known for its effectiveness in treating neuropathy, which is caused by the damage of the peripheral nerves.

Numbness and tingling in hands and feet, burning pain and muscle weakness are some of the common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, and these symptoms can be alleviated to a great extent with the help of alpha lipoic acid. Peripheral neuropathy therefore, can be treated with alpha lipoic acid. Let's find out more about alpha lipoic acid for neuropathy, as well as alpha lipoic acid benefits and side effects in the following paragraphs of this article.

Alpha Lipoic Acid for Neuropathy

As has been mentioned already, alpha lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant and as an antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid can neutralize both water and fat soluble free radicals. It can reach all parts of the nerve cells and protect them from the harmful effects of the free radicals. Many researches have suggested that nerve disease may be caused by the free radical damage. So, alpha lipoic acid can provide protection against nerve damage caused by the free radicals and thus, help to treat neuropathy or peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy can be associated with several conditions including, diabetes, chemotherapy, alcoholism, Lyme disease and nutritional deficiency. Alpha lipoic acid can prove effective for treating both diabetic neuropathy and chemotherapy related neuropathy. Chemotherapy related neuropathy is mainly caused by the drugs like, paclitaxel, bevacizumab, oxaliplatin and gemcitabine. The symptoms of chemotherapy related neuropathy are similar to the diabetic neuropathy, and these can also be alleviated with the help of alpha lipoic acid.

Though there are certain drugs that can be used for neuropathy treatment, they cause several side effects. Alpha lipoic acid on the other hand, can help to treat neuropathy without causing much side effects. One study has found that a oral dose of 600 mg of alpha lipoic acid for neuropathy has considerably reduced the symptoms of this condition. Another study, which was released in 2002 from the 'Journal of Clinical Oncology', revealed that more than half of the patients taking the chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin experienced less symptoms of neuropathy after they were treated with alpha lipoic acid.

Side Effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid

A high dosage of alpha lipoic acid can cause a few side effects like, nausea and upset stomach, and reduce the level of minerals in the body. Headaches, skin rash, muscle cramps and low level of blood sugar can be some other alpha lipoic acid side effects. So, diabetic people using alpha lipoic acid should maintain caution, and monitor their blood sugar levels regularly while taking the supplements of alpha lipoic acid. The safety of using alpha lipoic acid in pregnant and nursing women has not been established till now. So, they should talk to their health care provider before considering to take supplements of alpha lipoic acid for neuropathy treatment. Children should not be given the supplements of alpha lipoic acid, while individuals having liver and kidney disease should consult their physicians regarding the use of these supplements for the treatment of neuropathy.

So, alpha lipoic acid can have really important benefits for the treatment of neuropathy. As far as its dosage is concerned, a dosage of 20 to 50 mg per day is recommended for the general use of alpha lipoic acid for antioxidant support while 300 to 600 mg per day is the recommended alpha lipoic acid dosage for neuropathy and diabetes. The use of alpha lipoic acid for neuropathy can have some additional benefits, especially for the skin. It is believed that this fatty acid can protect the skin from free radicals as it is a strong antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid benefits for skin include a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and improved skin tone and texture.

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