Monday, January 9, 2012

Angular Cheilitis (Cheilosis) - It's a Lip Crack, Right?

Angular Cheilitis (Cheilosis) - It's a Lip Crack, Right?

When deep cracks or red sores form at the mouth's corner, it could be angular cheilitis. It is also called angular stomatitis. It is often misdiagnosed as cold sore and chapped lips but it could actually turn into a more serious case. In a serious case, the affected areas may bleed and the formation of shallow ulcers or some kind of "crust" would follow.

Angular cheileties may be due to different reasons. Fungal infections being the most common but viral or bacterial infections are also considered as possible culprits. Children who always bite their mouth's corners, suck their thumbs and lick their lips will most likely get this disease. Adults who lost their teeth or don't have dentures suffer from this illness as they tend to over-close their mouth. Vitamin B deficient people will most likely acquire Angular cheilitis. The skin problem has also been linked with Zinc deficiency and Iron deficiency anemia.

What caused Angular cheilitis would determine what treatment should used on it. Severe cases of angular cheilitis already require a medical attention and would only get worse if given incorrect medication. If it's just a minor case, the condition can be treated based on what caused the disease. There are over the counter products which can be bought to treat cases that are due to infections. Adults who developed Angular cheilitis because of over-closure of the mouth can cure their problems with dentures. Lip lubrication and vitamins would be the treatment for those who developed angular cheilitis because of the cold weather and vitamin deficiency respectively.

Angular cheilitis can be treated at home overnight with the help of remedies that have been proven to work. Remedies you can find at home have been given in eBooks called Angular Cheilitis Cure by Katherine Sage and Angular Cheilitis Free Forever by Jason White.

These eBooks have been written in a short and to-the-point manner that's why they have received positive reviews. Tons of information on Angular Cheilitis and how to get rid of it have been provided in these eBooks. For further details about these eBooks, go to and there you will find Product Reviews which can ultimately help you decide whether you should by them or not.

Go to to examine health product reviews regarding panic attack, back pain, bacterial vaginosis, angular cheilitis, yeast infection and more. Look at Panic Away by Joe Barry. Read the Panic Away Review and compare it to Panic Puzzle, Linden Method and others at

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